If you want to learn Unity game development in Simple – सरल – हिन्दी , then this is the right place for you. Even if you are complete beginner or have no coding experience , you can still follow along this course to become a professional Game Developer . From installing Unity to making a complete game , I will teach everything from Zero. We will Design & Develop complete games from scratch , both in 2D & 3D.
First we will take an overview of Unity and Visual Studio. Then we will learn the fundamentals of C# programming , we will discuss concepts like variable, data types, function, class, if else, loops & more. We will take a practical example to understand the use of Start() , Update() & Awake() in unity.
We will make a Flappy Bird like game & learn the important concepts of Unity like Scripting , Animation , Input System, Sound, Physics and Collisions between GameObjects , Prefabs , PlayerPrefs & more . We will create a script for our Flappy bird & make it fly through code , by taking inputs from player . Then we will add moving pipes & understand the use of Time.deltaTime . Later We will discuss the concept of Prefabs & learn how to crate a prefab & instantiate it through script , we will create a PipeSpawner that will spawn(create) pipes at runtime . We will see how to Destroy game objects after a specific time to improve game performance . Then we will take a brief introduction about Animation in unity & how to add animation inside our game .
While making games, we come across a lot of errors , so we will learn how to debug & fix different types of errors . Then we will take a look at Canvas , it’s properties and learn how to add UI elements (image , text or buttons ) inside canvas . And by using UI , we will create GameOver screen , Tap-to-Play screen & Pause screen for our game. After that we will see what is PlayerPrefs & how to use it to save game data (like HighScore ) in player device . Later we will learn about Sound in unity , adding Sound Effects & BGM in our game ( AudioSource & AudioListener ) . Finally we will build & export our game to Apk file for mobile devices .
After making a 2D game for mobile , we will focus on creating a 3D game for PC . First we will take a brief overview of 3D camera & 3D scene . We will see how to use 3D tools to design our Level , creating Materials & adding Texture to gameObjects . Then we will create a script for 4 directional player Movement & Jump. We will also create a Camera Follow script to make our camera follow our player. Later we will add water in our scene , create GameOver & Reload function. Then we will take a brief introduction about TextMeshPro & it’s various properties.
We will add Coins in our level & make a script to Collect, Display & Save coins. Then we will setup our Home scene & Level Selection scene. After that we will create multiple Levels , see how to Lock & Unlock multiple levels. We will also add Play , Restart & Quit functions , make some improvements like adding BG , Fog , Sky & more. At last we will export our game to PC.
Later on we will discuss some concepts like Importing & Exporting Assets , transition between multiple Animations , Animator properties , Events & more. I will also suggest you some websites where you can download Game Assets for FREE .
So, see you inside the Course.
We will discuss the topics that we are going to cover and the best approach to follow the course for beginners. Features of Unity in compare to other game engines.
We will install Unity , create an unity account , install Visual Studio . We will also see how to use Unity Hub & Create our first unity project.
In this lecture we will take a look at the unity interface and we will see how different components work , how to create gameObjects , change their properties . We will learn how to use different Transform tools & shortcut keys to make our game dev process fast & easy.
We will discuss what are variables , data types and the rules to declare a Variable.
Definition & uses of functions , the set of rules to declare & call a function . We will also see what is Class & how they are used inside games.
Finally we will create our first script & take an overview of Visual Studio . We see different Shortcut keys & learn how to write code & find out errors.
We will take a practical example to understand the use of Start() , Update() & Awake() in unity.
Different ways to print statements & comment unwanted lines of code.
Take a look at different Conditional Statements & learn how to use them inside our program.
We will see what are loops & how to use them at different situations.
We will import game assets from the resource file that I have provided. We will discuss how to design a game & implement it.
In this lecture we will setup our Camera , add Flappy bird (Player) & Background . We will also learn how to arrange our GameObjects with the help of Sorting Layers.
We will learn how to apply Physics in unity with the help of RigidBody. We will also take a look at different types of Colliders in unity.
We will create a script for our Flappy bird & make it fly through code , by taking inputs from player .
Move pipes through script & understand the use of Time.deltaTime .
We will discuss the concept of Prefabs & learn how to crate a prefab & instantiate it through script . We will create a PipeSpawner that will spawn(create) pipes at runtime .
We will see how to Destroy game objects after a specific time .
Brief introduction about Animation in unity & how to add animation inside our game .
We will learn how to debug & fix different types of errors .
We will learn about Canvas , it's properties and how to add UI elements (image , text or buttons ) inside canvas .
We will add GameOver UI & write script for gameover.
In this lecture we will create a Tap-to-Play screen & learn how to alter Time in unity .
Understanding Anchors and learn how to use them to make responsive UI for multiple devices .
Discuss about Text UI & it's properties . Adding a Score UI that will count player score .
What is PlayerPrefs & how to use it to save game data (like HighScore ) in player device .
Button UI & it's properties . Adding Retry & Menu button .
Setup our Home scene . Adding Play , Score & Quit button .
Make our game more realistic by adding Parallax background effect .
Adding a Pause screen & using timeScale to play / pause our game .
Introduction to Sound in unity , adding Sound Effects & BGM in our game ( AudioSource & AudioListener ) .
Testing our game on mobile in realtime with the help of Unity Remote 5 .
Finally build & export our game to Apk file for mobile devices .
Understanding 3D Camera & using 3D tools to navigate through game scene .
Designing level with the help of various Transform tools .
Here are some websites you can use to Download Game Assets for FREE :
Unity Asset Store , Craftpix , OpenGame art , Itch.io , Kenny Game Assets , Gamedev Market , CGTrader , TurboSquid , SketchFab