***** Some Reviews From Students *****
I really like the way you explained everything. Thank you so much for your clear elaborations.
Very helpfull course for basic intro into SpringData with MongoDb.
Excellent course so far, it has valuable content, good topic organization and useful tools taught.
Good course to learn MongoDB with Spring Boot
***** Course Updates*****
April 2021 – Course Updated with latest version of MongoDB and MongoDB Compass UI Tool.
In this course you are going to learn MongoDB which is most widely used NoSQL database in the world.
MongoDB is a cross platform document-oriented database program. MongoDB Stores data in the format of JSON.
This course covers MongoDB starting from its installation with wide range queries including CRUD operations. You will learn MongoDB with Studio 3T UI Connector which is used to run queries over MongoDB database.
MongoDB Compass is an official UI tool to execute queries and you will earn that as well in this course.
Now a days Spring framework is widely used among Java Developers and specifically Spring Boot is in high demand. So in the later part of the course you will learn to use MongoDB with Spring Boot App using Spring Data MongoDB with help of MongoRepository.
We are in the era of cloud and who doesn’t want to have applications in the cloud. In this course you will learn to deploy your Spring Boot Application to Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) which is Platform As A Service (PaaS) cloud provider.
There you will learn to use mLab which provides MongoDB on cloud. It is Database As A Service (DBaaS).
So by end of this course you will learn MongoDB in detail and you Spring Boot and MongoDB both will be on cloud. Isn’t it Amazing.
You will Learn CRUD ( Created, Read, Update and Delete ) Operations in MongoDB and in the later part of the course you will learn CRUD operations in Spring Boot App using Spring Data MongoDB.
You will Learn to implement Pagination and Sorting in MongoDB and in the later part of the course you will learn to implement in Spring Boot App using Spring Data MongoDB.
You will Learn AND, OR, IN, Like and Starts With Query in MongoDB and in the later part of the course you will learn AND, OR, IN, Like and Starts With Query in Spring Boot App using Spring Data MongoDB.
You will Learn to write Native MongoDB With Spring Data MongoDB using @Query Annotation.
You will Learn MongoDB with Java.
Let’s begin journey towards NoSQL with MongoDB by enrolling in this course…
In this lecture you will understand what is MongoDB (NoSQL) Database. Its kind of introduction to MongoDB.
In this lecture you will learn difference between SQL and NoSQL Database. You might be aware of traditional SQL databases like MySQL, MsSQL, Oracle etc. So this lecture will show you difference between SQL and NoSQL Database.
In this lecture you will understand different MongoDB terms like collection, document etc. If you are coming from SQL databases background then you will understand MongoDB terms by taking reference of SQL database terms like table, column etc.
In this lecture you will learn to install MongoDB in your machine. You will be driven to from downloading MongoDB set up to installing it and running in your local machine ( local computer ).
Every database needs some UI tool to perform CRUD and other operations. We will use Studio3T to manage MongoDB database in our local machine. This lecture will guide you about installing Stuido3T which is UI tool for managing MongoDB.
In this lecture you will learn to create database in MongoDB.
After having database in MongoDB the next step is to create collection inside the database. This lecture will make you understand how to create your very first collection in MongoDB.
After having collection in MongoDB the next step is to have some records inside it and that is referred as document in MognoDB terminology. Basically Create operation from CRUD.
Once we have some records (documents) inside our collection then our next step is to read that document. Basically Read operation from CRUD.
This lecture will show you how to write AND and OR query in MongoDB in JSON format.
This lecture will show you how to write IN query in MongoDB using JSON.
After learning to create and read documents in MongoDB the next step is updating the document. Basically Update operation from CRUD. So this lecture will make you understand how to update document in MongoDB ?
After learning to create, read and update documents in MongoDB the next step is to delete document in MongoDB. Basically Delete operation from CRUD. So this lecture will make you understand how to delete document in MongoDB ?
This lecture will show you how to write find query in MongoDB ?
You can run MongoDB queries from terminal (command prompt) as well. We have used Studio3T UI tool in this course but we can also write and execute queries from terminal as well. So this lecture will show you how to execute MongoDB queries from terminal without need of any UI tool.
In this lecture we will create our Spring Boot Project so that we can see how to use MongoDB with Spring Boot.
After having Spring Boot Application the next step is to have mapping of entity class with MongoDB collection. This includes mapping of fields with variables inside Entity Class.
In this lecture we will create Mongo Repository in our Spring Boot App. Like JPA Repository we have Mongo Repository to interact with MongoDB database using our Spring Boot Application.
This lecture will make you understand how to create document in MongoDB from Spring Boot Application using Mongo Repository and http POST REST API. Basically Create Operation from CRUD.
This lecture will make you understand how to Read document in MongoDB from Spring Boot Application using Mongo Repository and http GET REST API. Basically Read Operation from CRUD.
This lecture will make you understand how to Read all documents of particular collection in MongoDB from Spring Boot Application using Mongo Repository and http GET REST API. This is getting all records of particular collection in MongoDB.
This lecture will make you understand how to Update document in MongoDB from Spring Boot Application using Mongo Repository and http PUT REST API. Basically Update Operation from CRUD.
This lecture will make you understand how to Delete document in MongoDB from Spring Boot Application using Mongo Repository and http DELETE REST API. Basically Delete Operation from CRUD.
In this lecture you will learn to write findBy Query. You will learn to find documents by particular field of collection.
In this lecture you will learn to write AND Query using Mongo Repository in your Spring Boot Application.
In this lecture you will learn to write OR Query using Mongo Repository in your Spring Boot Application.
This lecture will make you understand what is pagination and concept to achieve pagination in any application using any database. Be it SQL or NoSQL.
In this lecture you will learn to implement pagination using Mongo Repository in your Spring Boot Application. This is very helpful when you have millions of documents inside your collection.
In this lecture you will learn to sort documents in ascending and descending order using MongoRepository in your Spring Boot Application.
When you have document inside another document it is called as sub document. In this lecture you will learn to query by fields of sub document using Mongo Repository in your Spring Boot Application.
When you have document inside another document it is called as sub document. In this lecture you will learn to query by array field of sub document using Mongo Repository in your Spring Boot Application.
In this lecture you will learn to write LIKE Query using Mongo Repository in your Spring Boot Application. This is kind of contains query as well you can say.
In this lecture you will learn to write Starts With Query using Mongo Repository in your Spring Boot Application.
If you do not want to map some of your Entity Class variables to fields of collection then you can use @Transient annotation provided by Spring Data. This lecture will demonstrate you on how to use @Transient annotation in Entity Class.
This is an introduction lecture for section on what we are going to do in this section with Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF)
In this lecture you will learn to create an account on Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) which is Platform As A Service Cloud Provider.
After having Account on Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) the next step is to have MongoDB on cloud using mLab. So in this lecture you will learn how to get MongoDB on cloud.
After getting MongoDB on cloud using mLab the next step is to upload our local MonfoDB database to cloud MongoDB. This is very important as we are going to have everything on cloud including our Spring Boot Application as well. So this lecture will show you all this.
After setting up MongoDB on cloud the final step is to deploy our Spring Boot Application on Cloud and that is Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF)
In SQL we have parent-child relationships using concept of foreign key. In the same way we can have reference to other collections from one collection. Relationship between two collections is not recommended in NoSQL databases like MongoDB but still this lecture will make you understand that.
To have relationships between two collections first we need to modify our existing database.
In this lecture you will learn to define relationships between two collections in Entity Class using Spring Data MongoDB.
When you are getting parent record then you have choice to get all child records from that or NOT. For that Lazy loading is being used so in this lecture you will understand what is lazy loading ?
In this lecture you will learn to create document of collection which has reference to another collection. In this lecture you will learn to create document in collection using Mongo Repository.
In this lecture you will learn how to get documents from parent collection by querying through fields of sub document with reference.