As a Web developer, you’re expected to know how to create a clean and functional Web site from scratch. This course is designed for beginner developers who already know their HTML and CSS and would like to get their hands dirty with creating nice and clean custom Web apps from scratch. I will walk you through the entire process of building a PHP Guestbook application using the LAMP stack. Everything will be built from scratch — NO bootstrap, NO templates, NO third-party code. You create everything, and you own everything.
This course is divided into three major phases:
Phase 1: You will build the complete Web app from scratch using only procedural programming in PHP, custom CSS & HTML, and a MySQL database.
Phase 2: You will tweak the app and integrate state management to restrict unregistered users from accessing protected content and functionality on the site.
Phase 3: You will refactor and convert the same app code using object-oriented programming in PHP.
The app that you build will use a MySQL database for data store and allow users to perform basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on the site. Users will be able to view and sign the Guestbook, make edits, and delete content.
By the end of the course, you will feel proud and confident to start building a complete PHP Web application from the ground up on your own using your own custom code and various programming techniques.
This video walks you through installing XAMP and PhPStorm on Windows and configuring PhPStorm. If you already have a working IDE and LAMP installed, please skip this section and go straight to Section 2. You won't miss anything important here.
This video walks you through installing XAMP and PhPStorm on MacOS. If you already have a working IDE and LAMP installed, please skip this section and go straight to Section 2. You won't miss anything important here.
This video walks you through installing MAMP on MacOS. If you already have LAMP installed, please skip this section and go straight to Section 2. You won't miss anything important here.
This video walks you through configuring PhPStorm on MacOS. If you already have a working IDE and LAMP installed, please skip this section and go straight to Section 2. You won't miss anything important here.